
EVENT results

our costs

(effective 1/1/2022)



Phone: 0416 014 599

BSP Scoring Services offers specialised scoring for your dressage, show jumping and eventing competitions. Our particular expertise is scoring for eventing at all levels from pony club to FEI.

We have successfully run the scoring for Adelaide and Melbourne International 3DEs as well as a number of smaller PCV and Equestrian Australia horse trials and ODEs.

Depending on your requirements we can manage your draw, provide 'realtime to web' results and leader board, and publish final results for riders to check after the event.
We are excited to advise that we now provide true live scoring using Event Secretary and Nominate Scoreboard e scoring software and our own Samsung tablets & iPads.
We thank both Event Secretary and Nominate for their ongoing support.

Next Events

Victoria Park, Adelaide

Live scoring and results via Nominate Scoreboard

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